Nokia 6280 Power Switch Button On Off Problem Solution Jumpers Way

if you have nokia 6280 dead and no power problem then try to charge it if it is charging but not getting power on it means its power button switch is not working proper.All Cellular Phone Solution Here Nokia 1202 Lcd Light Solution without light ic.Jumpers Ways
check poser switch and replace it with a new one.and also this image is helpful in case if power switch button prints are damage then you can make these jumpers to solve power switch button problem in nokia 6280

Nokia X2 Network Problem Signal Ways Solution Jumpers

If X2 network problem or a low signal problem in your mobile solution you can do the following diagram with this post.look attached to the chart and you can see a few items in red All Cellular Phone Solution Here Nokia 1650 Light Problem Solution Ways Jumpers Nokia X2 Network Problem Signal Ways Solution Jumpers.

and the various colored lines of the components used in the network function in the Nokia x2.clean these components if there is no water damage or rust than enables the board to dry under electric light bulb for a few coins, so it can be dry or use low heat with hot air, you may need to change these parts, if not solve the problem with just cleaning and service process.

nokia x2 flash light solution

If Nokia X2-00 flash light is not working then we can not take pictures in dark light, night mode. It can be cause of flash light value damages or flash light IC. Water damage or burn parts can be cause of the flash light problem in Nokia X2-00.Nokia 5130 Restart in making call problem solution ways jumpers All Cellular Phone Solution Here
nokia x2 flash light solution
In above diagram both parts are identified in red liens. Check the flash Ic clean it and then re flow it with hot air. If re flow of flash light is not working then replace it with new one to solve flash light problem of Nokia X2-00

nokia x2-00 lcd ways display solution

If Nokia X2-00 lcd is not working, Nokia X2-00 White display, Nokia X2-00 blank lcd, and all other problems of LCD display you are facing. You can solve them by replacement of LCD filter x2-00 camera on standby solution
nokia x2-00 lcd ways display solution
In above diagram red line is given to identify the LCD filter IC location. These two LCD IC are used in Display function of Nokia X2-00. Keep in mind if there is some rust or carbon and water damages make it clean with electronics clean and then apply hot air to make it dry.
Once you make it dry try to re sold and re flow these two LCD IC and then check. Replace LCD of Nokia X2-00 and if it not work then replace these two Lcd display filter IC
to solve lcd display problem of nokia X2-00

nokia x2-00 light solution

If Nokia X2-00 Lcd light is not working that can be problem of Nokia X2-00 LCD, Lcd light Ic and ways. So to solve Lcd light problem in Nokia X2-00 check all these tracks that are provided in bellow diagram.Nokia N95 On Off Power Button Print Damage Problem Ways Jumpers Solution
nokia x2-00 light solution
The above repairing diagram of Nokia X2-00 lcd light problem have some different color lines these linnes are identig=fing paths and tracks of parts that are used in light function of Nokia X2-00.
So check all these track and apply jumpers if any of these tracks is missing. Replace LCD and parts that are given in step two of the above diagram

nokia x2-00 ear speaker problem

nokia x2-00 ear speaker problemIf you have ear piece speaker problem in Nokia X2-00 then it can be problem of missing tracks and water damage. Due to water damages rust and carbon dameg the tracks and paths and may damage the parts also. nokia x2-00 network problem solution
After dis assaambly of Nokia X2-00 Check the whole mother board for rust carbon and water damages make it clean with electronics cleaner and apply heat with hot air to make it dry.
find out double resistance as shwon in above diagram and check ear piece speaker ways apply jumpers if broken links and you may also can replace these double resistance.
To solve nokia x2-00 speaker ear piece problem

nokia x2-00 mmc ic jumper solution

If Memory card is not working in Nokia X2-00 and you are not able to used memory card in Nokia X2-00. It can be cause of water damage in it. It can be due to missing parts and damage prints and pins of memory card jacket.All Cellular Phone Solution Here Nokia x2 hand free open problem jumpers solution nokia x2-00 mmc ic jumper solution
After disassamble of Nokia X2-00 checck the mother board if there is some water damages rust carbon or burn parts. Clecn all the rust with electronics cleaner and apply heat to make it dry.
Find out the MMC IC that is inline with red color in above diagram and re sold and re flow it to solve MMC memory card problem in Nokia X2-00

Nokia N73 Camera Problem Solution Jumper Ways

if you are facing camera not working problem camera standby problem then here is a diagram that will help you to solve all camera problems in nokia n73.Nokia N70 white screen hanging problem solution jumper ways

remove this small ic that is used in camera function and then make these jumpers.which is shown in red line.there are some more camera problem solutions that are given bellow so you can also check some of the bellow

Nokia 2630 On Off button Ways Jumpers Problem Solution

if you are facing nokia 2630 dead problem then check it with a charger if it shows charging but can not be on off it means its on of button is not working properly All Cellular Phone Solution Here Nokia E60 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution
so here is a diagram that will help you vary much for the solution of on off button in nokia 2630.make these jumpers as shown in diagram given with the post and wash keypad ic with electronics cleaner and leave it to dry for a few mint so that can be dry.

Nokia 1202 Lcd Light Solution without light ic.Jumpers Ways

here is a new diagram sent to us by universal mobile solution one of our subscriber in this diagram he said that we can solve light problem in nokia 1202 without light ic.Nokia N70 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution All Cellular Phone Solution Here

so lets take a look at the diagram in it we have to remove light ic and then make jumpers to the lcd lights as shown in diagram.make jumper as indicated with red line and then make jumper to the transistor and also the other yellow color shows to make jumper to both lcd lights and then to the ground.i hope it will work good and do not forget to comment on it.

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia 1650 Light Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

nokia 1650 so take a look at the diagram attached with this post and in it you can see all that light links with red line.All Cellular Phone Solution Here Nokia N80 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution.
print from pin 2 of lcd jack goes to light and one light print is ground which is indicated with black color in diagram.and green color show that these two points have same value.if one of them is broken we can use a jumper as indicated with green color.

Nokia 5130 Restart in making call problem solution ways jumpers

nokia 5130 restart problem when make a call can be solve with fowling this diagram that is attached with this post.take a look at this diagram and we will find some components that are used and become reason of this problem.Nokia N91 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution

so clean this area with ctc (electronics cleaner) and then leave it to dry for a few mint under electrical bulb.if problem can not be solve change these parts that are inline with red lines

nokia x2-00 camera on standby solution

Nokia X2-00 Camera is not working, Camera stand by in Nokia X2-00 can be cause of water damages or missing burn parts in it. After dis assembly check the whole mother board for water damages or rust in it.Nokia 6300 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution All Cellular Phone Solution Here
nokia x2-00 camera on standby solution
As in above diagram you can find out parts that are used in camera function of Nokia X2-00. Find out all these tracks and apply jumpers if any track is missing.Different color lines are indicating parts that are in the same serias.
In above diagram you can see two main steps in first steps check value of components and in second part apply jumpers.

Nokia N95 On Off Power Button Print Damage Problem Ways Jumpers Solution

if you are facing power problem in nokia n95 and have on off button problem in nokia n95.if power button is not working and charging properly then it means that here is a power problem due to only power button.Nokia X2 Speaker Problem Solution jumpers All Cellular Phone Solution Here

this diagram can help you in case if power on off button print is damage also.make this jumper as shown in diagram in red line color.and also check this ic which is inline with red line.

nokia x2-00 network problem solution

If you are facing low signals and no network problem in Nokia X2-00 it can be solve with a few easy steps that I going to write in this post. The bellow diagram have two steps that can solve network problem in nokia x2-00 not charging solution   All Cellular Phone Solution Here.
nokia x2-00 network problem solution
In first steps check the mother board if it have some rsust carbon or water damages. And may it have some missing or burn parts. So clean the mother board with electronics clean and apply heat to make it dry.
Check the Antina points and apply jumper as shown in first step of the above diagram.Re sold the main network Aplifier and reflow it as given in step 2 of the above diagram to solve newtwork and signals problem of Nokia X2-00

Nokia x2 hand free open problem jumpers solution

Nokia x2 handfree problem, hand free singe, hand free open, can be solve with this diagram that I am going to post in this post bellow. look at the diagram and these two ic and there near about area if you find some rust water damage or carbon here you can clean the board and dry Nokia x2.Nokia X2 Camera Problem Solution Jumper Ways
Nokia x2 hand free open problem jumpers solution

Once it is cleaned resold these parts and if problem is not solve remove first ic and make jumpers as defined in diagram and replace 2nd part to solve hand free problem in Nokia x2

Nokia N70 white screen hanging problem solution jumper ways

it is a helpful diagram to solve white screen hanging problem in nokia n70.all parts that are used in this function are shown with red line so clean all these parts with electronics cleaner and leave it to dry for a few mints under electrical bulb.All Cellular Phone Solution Here nokia x2-00 keypad solution
if problem can not be solve remove these two small ic and make jumpers as indicated with red line in diagram that is posted with this post.for some more relevant post you can check related posts given bellow.

Nokia E60 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution

if you are facing power switch button on off problem in Nokia E60 then here is a diagram that will help you to solve Power switch problem in first stem remove the old power switch button form board and then check prints two of them All Cellular Phone Solution Here Nokia 7710 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution.
are ground and other two are going to this resistance and then goes to power ic pin number 24 so this will help you to solve on off switch button problem in case power switch button prints are also damage.

Nokia N70 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution

if you are facing power switch button on off problem in Nokia N70 then here is a diagram that will help you to solve Power switch problem in first stem Nokia 1280 Keypad Ways Track Links Problem Solution Jumpers All Cellular Phone Solution Here
remove the old power switch button form board and then check prints two of them are ground and other two are going to this resistance and then goes to power ic so this will help you to solve on off switch button problem in case power switch button prints are also damage.

Nokia N80 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution.

if you are facing power switch button on off problem in Nokia N80 then here is a diagram that will help you to solve Power switch problem in first stem remove the old power switch button All Cellular Phone Solution Here Nokia 6030 On Off Switch Power Button Problem Jumpers Ways.
form board and then check prints two of them are ground and other two are going to this resistance and then goes to power ic so this will help you to solve on off switch button problem in case power switch button prints are also damage.

Nokia N91 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution

if you are facing power switch button on off problem in Nokia N91 then here is a diagram that will help you to solve Power switch problem in first stem remove the old power switch button form nokia X2 battry connector way if prints damage jumpers
board and then check prints two of them are ground and other two are going to this resistance and then goes to power ic so this will help you to solve on off switch button problem in case power switch button prints are also damage.

Nokia 6300 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution.

here is a diagram that will help you to solve Nokia 6300 power switch button problem nokia dead first step check power switch and then check prints all prints are indicated in Nokia X2 Charging Problem Solution Jumpers Ways All Cellular Phone Solution Here

this diagram with red line.two prints are ground and other goes to this resistance which is shown in attached diagram with this post. so this will help you to solve on off switch button problem in case power switch button prints are also damage.

Nokia X2 Speaker Problem Solution jumpers

Nokia X2 Speaker problem can be solve with a few steps that are given in diagram bellow so look at diagram bellow to solve love Speaker voice, no Speaker tones, no Speaker working problems in Nokia diagram there are two colors blue and red both colors are defining path of circuit in mobile phone.All Cellular Phone Solution Here Nokia X2 Led Light Problem Solution Ways Jumpers Nokia X2 Speaker Problem Solution jumpers
Check Speaker and if Speaker do not show continuity or a good value with meter then change Speaker with new one. Check points on board where Speaker have to attached after put in casing housing.
Then check all these paths as shown in diagram above and if any of them is broken or missing components then apply jumpers as described above. Small circle shows positions where we are able to make jumpers. in these place we can apply jumpers to solve Speaker problem in Nokia X2.

nokia x2-00 not charging solution

If you are facing Not charging problem in Nokia X2-00 then it may can be cause of this V2301 Ic that is given in bellow diagram So after dis assambly of Nokia X2-00 re sold and re flow this V2301 IC and if it can not solve not charging in Nokia X2-00 replace it with new one that is taken from any other nokia mother board.Sony Ericsson W800i Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution  here All Cellular Phone Solution Here
nokia x2-00 not charging solution
If Nokia X2-00 does not show any notification when you plug in charging pin then it can be fault of charging jack so check charging jack and replace it.

Nokia X2 Camera Problem Solution Jumper Ways

if you are facing camera not working problem camera standby problem then here is a diagram that will help you to solve all camera problems in Nokia X2.Nokia N70 white screen hanging problem solution jumper ways
Nokia X2 Camera Problem Solution Jumper Ways
to solve Nokia X2 camera switch button we can follow steps as given in above diagram.first remove camera from jack and check its points may they have some carbon or water damage so clean these point with electronics cleaner and apply some hot air to dry board.
then check all these track as shown with different colors in above diagram.all these colors define path and track and parts which are used in camera if any link is broken apply jumpers and parts are missing or damage replace them to solve Nokia X2 camera not working problem solution

nokia x2-00 keypad solution

Nokia X2-00 keypad not working problem can be solve with keypad Ic. In this post Keypad Ic is inline with red color. You can find out this Ic and then make it clean with electronics cleaner,Nokia E60 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution All Cellular Phone Solution Here.
nokia x2-00 keypad solution
Apply hot air so that the mother board can be clean. Keep in mind do not apply much heat because it can harm your skin and can damage the mother board.
I will post keypad tracks and how to jumper keypad IC if you do not want to replace it with new one. So keep visitng the site and you will find out Nokia X2-00 keypad ic jumpers and Keypad Not working jumpers soon in the site

Nokia 7710 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution.

here is a diagram that will help you to solve Nokia 7710 power switch button problem nokia dead first step check power switch and then check prints all prints are indicated in this diagram with red line.All Cellular Phone Solution Here Nokia N70 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution
two prints are ground and other goes to this resistance which is shown in attached diagram with this post. so this will help you to solve on off switch button problem in case power switch button prints are also damage.

Nokia 1280 Keypad Ways Track Links Problem Solution Jumpers

this is a diagram to show all keypad track in nokia 1280 check all these links with electronics meter and if any of them is broken make jumpers as shown in diagram all links are indicated with different colors so that can be identified easily with color scheme.Nokia N80 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution.All Cellular Phone Solution Here

same color inner pad and same color outer pad are linked with each you can follow colors and check that if any button is not working there can be a missing track.

Nokia 6030 On Off Switch Power Button Problem Jumpers Ways.

Nokia 6030 On Off Switch Power Button Problem Jumpers Ways.
this is a diagram in it we can see that if on off switch prints are broken or damage how to make jumper.a simply jumper can be look easily in this diagram and it is working 100%.All Cellular Phone Solution Here Nokia N91 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information

nokia X2 battry connector way if prints damage jumpers

nokia X2 battery connector way if prints damage jumpers.if battery connector is damage in nokia X2 then you can change it with new one some times prints are also damage then in that case this diagram will help you to solve this issue.All Cellular Phone Solution Here Nokia N70 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution nokia X2 battry connector way if prints damage jumpers

three battery connector pins are shown with different colors so that can be found easily so make these jumpers as shown in diagram and power problem will be solve in nokia X2.

Nokia X2 Charging Problem Solution Jumpers Ways

In Nokia X2 if it is not charging ok and you have not charging problem in Nokia X2 then you can solve this problem with help of diagram bellow. in this diagram all charging links are identified so that you can understand which parts are used in charging function in Nokia X2.All Cellular Phone Solution Here Nokia N80 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution.
Nokia X2 Charging Problem Solution Jumpers Ways
So one print is ground it is identified in diagram with blue color and red cooler is a positive print and you can check all track with meter and if any of them is broken you can apply jumper as defined in repairing diagram.
Nokia X2 Charging Problem Solution Jumpers Ways
mostly if we plug in charger and it does not show any thing it can be fault of charging base or may be fault of broken link. so check charging base also.
Nokia X2 Charging Problem Solution Jumpers Ways
If it shows not charging indication or a message charger not supported then it can be fault of charging ic or may be due to 47k resistance. About these problems I will post in upcoming days.

Nokia X2 Led Light Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

this post is to solve lcd led display lights,keypad lights problem.Nokia X2 Led Light Problem Solution Ways Jumpers just remove three leg transistor and make these jumpers as shown in diagram bellow in this post.All ellular Phone Solution Here Nokia N91 Power Switch Button Damage Problem Solution Nokia X2 Led Light Problem Solution Ways Jumpers
once you look at this diagram in it here are blue line in Nokia X2 that define all light problem make jumper from first point to the three leg transistors’s leg and then forword the same link to light while the other leg of lied is a ground point print.
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