Nokia C1-00 Ringer Speaker Problem Ways Solution Jumpers

If ringer or speaker is not working in nokia C1-00 or you are facing low voice or bad quality in it then this diagram will help you to understand the problem and solve it. check diagram given bellow and follow steps that are shown in it.Nokia X2-01 Mic Problem Jumpers Solution Microphone

In diagram you can see parrot and pink colors that are identifying ringer and speaker path. so check these paths with Multi Miter and if any of them is broken then make jumpers as shown in diagram above. a big round point shows here you can make jumper and these are test points for ringer speaker problem. low ringer, low speaker.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C1-00 Hand free Open Car Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

Nokia C1-00 Hand free Open Car Problem can be solve with this useful and helpful diagram easily .look at this diagram given bellow and in this diagram parts are in lined with red color resold these components to resolve hand free problem in Nokia C1-00
Nokia 1203 Light without Ic Display Keypad Led jumper tested

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia C1-00 test mode local mode problem solution found

Nokia C1-00 test mode local mode problem solution is a diagram that will help you to solve test mode and local mode problem in nokia C1-00 look at the diagram and carefully remove these parts resistance as shown in diagram given with this post.
Nokia 1662 Light without Ic Display Keypad Led jumper tested

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia C1-00 torch light problem solution ways

Nokia C1-00 torch light problem solution ways can be find in this post in the bellow diagram a resistance is shown mostly this resistance got damage or not work proper in nokia C1-00 torch light so replace this Resistance and torch problem can be solved in nokia C1-00.
Nokia 5030 Light without Ic Display Keypad Led jumper tested

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia C1-00 LCD Blank Display Ways Jumpers Problem Solution

Nokia C100 lcd problem,white display problem,blank display and no light in lcd display of nokia C100 can be solve with a few steps that are given in this post bellow is the diagram of nokia C100 to solve lcd problem in it.
Nokia X2-01 Keypad Not Working Problem Solution

In diagram above you can see there are different color lines and these are identifying the path of lcd prints.lcd pins are counted in picture from left to right as 1,2…12 and these prints can be check with a multi meter if any of them is broken or any component is broken you can make jumper to the points that are shown in picture and a big round point shows here you can make jumper and these are test points for lcd display blank display problems.
As in lcd points numbers are shown same numbers are defined with parts so that you can easily find where you have to apply jumpers. . if any part is not at the same place and have broken due to water damage or something else then you can see some points can also be scratched. So scratch them slightly and make jumper at that point.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C1-00 Mic Problem Jumpers Ways Solution

nokia C1-00 mic is not working or sending low voice to the destination then you can solve mic problem with these few steps that are given bellow in diagram. look at the diagram and do following steps step by step.
Nokia X1-01 Insert Sim Problem Solution Jumpers Ways.

In pictures you can see two main colors blue and red these colors are identifying outer and inner points of mic.outer is a ground point of mic while inner is a + point of mic. remove the old mic from board and then check the path as shown in diagram jumper new mic with these parts and if parts are also broken due to water damage then big round points are identifying locations where you can apply jumper and these are test points for mic problem in nokia C1-00, see some points can also be scratched. So scratch them slightly and make jumper at that point.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C1-00 not charging problem solution ways

Nokia C1-00 not charging fake charging can be solve with a few steps that are describe in this post. so look at the diagram bellow and follow steps given in image.
Nokia 1280 Light without Ic Display Keypad Led 100% tested.

As in all nokia sets charging points are two and one of them is ground and other is it a red line is identifying path of voltage that pass through these parts. so if link is broken then make jumper and check these parts and resold them or replace them.
Coil , resistance, and charging ic can be remove and you can apply direct jumper to the capacitor. Capacitor have on side ground while other side is +v.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C1-00 Insert Sim Problem Solution Jumpers Ways

Nokia C1-00 have two stand by sims in it.if you are facing insert sim problem in nokia C1-00 for both sims or a single sim is not working here is the diagram that will help you to solve this problem in nokia C1-00.
Nokia 1616 Light without Ic Display Keypad Led 100% tested.

In diagram you can see there are multiple lines with different colors that are indicating different sim points and there path to different parts you can check these path and if any of them is broken then you can make jumpers to them. if any part is not at the same place and have broken due to water damage or something else then you can see some points can also be scratched. So scratch them slightly and make jumper at that point.
Big round points on lines shows that you can make jumper on that point.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 101 Dead and Not switch On with Battery

If you have a Nokia 101 Dead problem and it can not be switch on power on with battery but can be on with dc power supply then you can try this solution. look at the diagram given bellow in this post.
Nokia Asha 300 hand free open problem jumpers solution

You can see two red box in picture one of them is showing text remove so remove that resistance and other one you have to replace. check battery terminals also because in some cases it can be water damage or carbon on it.
So if you see some carbon or rust then clean the board and battery terminals with electronics cleaner and dry for a few mints with hot air or under electrical bulb.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 101 not charging problem solution ways.

Nokia 101 not charging fake charging can be solve with a few steps that are describe in this post. so look at the diagram bellow and follow steps given in image.
Nokia C1-01 keypad light ok Lcd light not working Problem Solution Tested

As in all nokia sets charging points are two and one of them is ground and other is it a red line is identifying path of voltage that pass through these parts. so if link is broken then make jumper and check these parts and resold them or replace them.
Coil , resistance, and charging ic can be remove and you can apply direct jumper to the capacitor. Capacitor have on side ground while other side is +v.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia X1-01 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways

if you have mic problem in cellphone nokia X1-01 then this cellphone diagram will help you to solve this problem in a few first step check board vary carefully if there is any water damage or rust on board then clean it with any electronics cleaner and leave it to dry for a few mint under electrical bulb so that it can be dry the cellphone board ,Nokia X1-01 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways,Nokia C2-07 Lcd Display Problem Solution Ways Jumpers 
Nokia X1-01 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways in step two check mic and remove it from board and check continuity with meter on board if mic points on board shows that value is correct.then here can be problem in cellphone mic so check mic also and replace the mic for cellphone service.
if mic is ok and value is no good on board then check this link as shown in diagram in red and blue lines.all mic ways are shown with two different colors and on each component a small circle shows where you have to make jumper on that component.
if on a resistance on both side here is circles then we can make jumper at any side of it but if a component have a single circle on one side of component then we have to make jumper on that side only. for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5530 Auto Off During Call Problem solution

nokia 5530 is getting off automatically during call then you can solve this problem in a few steps that i am going to write down.
Nokia Asha 200 Insert Sim Problem Solution Jumpers Ways

Step1: change its ear peace (speaker).
Step2: if with the step1 problem not solve then past a screen tap or striker on backside as shown in diagram above so that it can not be ground.
Actual issue behind this problem is that it got ground with housing (casing).so when we apply striker then it disconnect and become ok.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C3-00 ringer Problem Solution Jumper Ways

if you have ringer problem in cellphone nokia c3-00 then this diagram will help you to solve this problem in a few first step check board vary careful if there is any water damage or rust on board then clean it with any electronics cleaner and leave it to dry for a few mint under electrical bulb so that cellphone can be dry.
Nokia C2-07 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways Microphone

Nokia C3-00 ringer Problem Solution Jumper Ways
Nokia C3-00 ringer Problem Solution Jumper Ways
in step two check ringer check continuity with meter on board if ringer points on board shows that value is correct.then here can be problem in ringer so check ringer also and replace the ringer of your cellphone.
if ringer is ok and value is no good on board then check this link as shown in diagram in red and blue lines.all mic ways are shown with two different colors and on each component a small circle shows where you have to make jumper on that component in cellphone.
if on a resistance on both side here is circles then we can make jumper at any side of it but if a component have a single circle on one side of component then we have to make jumper on that side only in cell phone c3.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cell phone c3 problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams about cell phone c3.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia 103 White Lcd Display Ways Solution Jumpers

here is a diagram that will solve display problem in nokia 103 you can see all the links in diagram that goes to board from lcd jack.check all these prints and tracks with electronics meter and if any of them is broken make jumpers as shown.all these links are indicated with different colors so that can be identified easily.
Nokia C2-07 MMC Memory Card Problem Solution Ways
Nokia 103 White Lcd Display Ways Solution Jumpers

for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia 103 Not charging problem ways jumper solution track

Nokia 103 not charging problem can be solved with this usefull diagram as given bellow.check all that track with meter and if any value is broken make jumper as shown in it.
Nokia X2 Battery Terminals Point Problem Jumper Ways
Nokia 103 Not charging problem ways jumper solution track

you may have to change these parts if problem can not be solve with only should also remove test mode dubble ristance if charging problem can not be solved with whole this diagram.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia X2 MMC problem solution jumpers ways

if you have a mmc (memory card) problem in cellphone Nokia X2 insert memory card memory card is this case in first step change memory card of cellphone and try it to insert correctly.if it is not working yet then open mobile and check mmc card jacket and its near about area.
Nokia x2 hand free open problem jumpers solution
Nokia X2 MMC problem solution jumpers ways
if there is any water damages or rust clean these parts with electronics cleaner and leave it to dry for a few mints under electrical bulb.

if with only service problem can not be solved then you can replace ic that is inline with red may can check also some more components near this area.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 103 not charging problem solution ways track jumpers

if you are facing not charging problem in nokia 103 then here is a digram that will help you to solve charging problem and not charging solution in nokia 103.
nokia 101 insert sim 1 solution
Nokia 103 not charging problem solution ways track jumpers
so check all these parts that are indicated in this diagram and also check these links with an electronics meter and if you found any of them broken make these jumpers and also you may have to change these parts if not working with upper tricks.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia Asha 300 LCD Light Problem ways Led Jumper Solution

If you have LCD LED light problem in Nokia Asha 300. It can be solve with a few simple steps you can read in this post.The diagram will help you to solve Keypad and Lcd Display led lights.
Nokia 100 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways
Nokia Asha 300 LCD Light Problem ways Led Jumper Solution
After disassemble you can find these parts in it. Lcd jack and mother boards light prints.Clean these parts with electronics cleaner and apply heat so that it can be dry. Using hot air you can make it dry but do not apply much heat because it can harm you and can damage the mother board.
In the diagram above you can see two different color lines one is blue and other is red. These lines are defining lcd lights.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia Asha 300 Bluetooth and FM Not working Problem Solution

Nokia Asha 300 Bluetooth is used for data transfer between devices with Bluetooth.In Nokia Asha 300 Bluetooth can be damage or not working due to water damages and rust.It can be fault for shortage and burned parts.
Nokia 5250 Touch Screen Problem Solution Jumper Ways
Nokia Asha 300 Bluetooth and FM Not working Problem Solution
In above diagram you can see some parts that are in lined with red color. Clean these parts after disassemble with electronics cleaner and then apply some hot ait so that it can be dry.Do not apply much air with hot air station because it can harm your skin or may can damage the mother board of Nokia Asha 300.
These parts are also used in FM function so if FM Radio is not working in Nokia Asha 300 you can also re flow and resold these parts that are identify in the above diagram.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia Asha 300 Charger Not Responding or Not Supported

Nokia Asha 300 and it indicates a Charger Not Responding or Charger Not Supported notification it can be solve with a few simple steps that i am going to teach in this post.
Nokia 5250 Keypad Not Working Jumper Problem Solution
Nokia Asha 300 Charger Not Responding or Not Supported
So Look at the above diagram and try some basic tips and tricks.
Try to change charger in first step and if replacement of charger do not work for solving the problem you can dis assemble Nokia Asha 300 and then check all these parts that are given in diagrams given in this post.
Nokia Asha 300 Charger Not Responding or Not Supported1
Clean these parts with electronics cleaner and dry them with hot air.Check these parts with meter and if any of them is not showing proper value it can be solve with applying jumpers.Do not apply much hot air it can harm your skin and can also damage mother board of Nokia Ahsa 300.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia Asha 300 Camera Problem Solution Jumpers Ways

Camera problem in Nokia Asha 300 you can not take pictures with it.Or it may can bluer your pictures.In starting diagnostics you can check camera settings in you phone and if there is not camera settings problem you can do a hardware check.
Nokia 5250 Key Pad Lock is Not Working.
Nokia Asha 300 Camera Problem Solution Jumpers Ways
After disassemble you can check all these parts that are given in above diagram with red lines.So make them clean if there is some rust or carbon parts.Apply heat with hot air and keep in mind do not apply much heat it can harm your skin and damage mother board also.
Re flow these parts and with re solding the camera can be in normal condition.Check resistant with meter if they do not shows good value you can apply jumpers also.Replace Camera in last stage if above tips do notwork.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

nokia 100 insert sim solution

insert sim problem in nokia 100 then this post will help you to solve this issue. Nokia 100 insert sim problem solution is possible by follow this diagram that is given bellwo.
in above diagram you can see a few jumpers check these points with meter and apply jumpers as given in repairing diagram above for insert sim solution of nokia 100.
Nokia 5250 LCD Display problem Ic Solution
nokia 100 insert sim solution
you may can check if some parts and components are missing you can replace them with new, you can also check if there is some rust or carbon on the mother board if you find carbon make the mother board clean and dry with hot air.

Nokia 1800 Lcd Display Scratch Jumpers

Nokia 1800 Lcd Display Scratch Jumpers are given in bellow diagram.some time due to water damage and rust lcd points got damage and we can not sold lcd on it.or may we have lost some points of display lcd.Nokia 110 LCD Display Problem Ways Jumpers

in above case we can scratch points that are shown in diagram with different colors and can apply jumpers on these points.right side diagram shows full board while on the left side diagram is about zoom of the original board.
so keep in mind if lcd display of nokia 1800 is not working proper and blank display white display and no display problem can be solved with this diagram easily you just should be a good mechanic and should be able to make small jumpers.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 1280 Lcd Display Scratch Jumpers

Nokia 1280 Lcd Display Scratch Jumpers are given in bellow diagram.some time due to water damage and rust lcd points got damage and we can not sold lcd on it.or may we have lost some points of display lcd.
Nokia 110 Not Charging Problem Solution Jumper Ways

in above case we can scratch points that are shown in diagram with different colors and can apply jumpers on these points.right side diagram shows full board while on the left side diagram is about zoom of the original board.
so keep in mind if lcd display of nokia 1280 is not working proper and blank display white display and no display problem can be solved with this diagram easily you just should be a good mechanic and should be able to make small jumpers.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia X2-01 Camera Not Ready Problem Jumpers Solution

nokia x201 camera if camera is not working camera module not ready camera preview error or something else that is about camera problem can be solve with this diagram bellow.
Nokia 111 LCD Display Problem Ways Jumpers

Look at the diagram above very carefully and in it you will find different lines with different colors. These line shows track of camera parts so checl all these links with meter and if any or them is broken then make jumper as shown in diagram.
In this diagram small circles show that in these places you can apply jumper and in some cases you can scratch prints and apply jumpers.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams. some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cell phone.

Nokia X2-01 not Charging Problem Solution Jumpers

nokia x201 then this diagram will help you to solve this issue. if you plug-in charger and after a few second It shows not charging or it do not show any indication and not shows charging it can be fault of these parts and you have to check these components that are shown in diagram bellow.
Nokia 111 Mic Problem Jumpers Ways Solution

Once you have checked these parts vary carefully clean them if there are some water damage or rust carbon. Check these links with meter and if any link broken make jumpers as shown. blue color print is ground and the red is a +v print. You can apply jumper at any point where a circle is indicated in diagram.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams. some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cell phone.

Nokia X2-01 Keypad Led Light Problem Jumpers Solution

nokia X201 there are eight led lights in keyboard and these can be off due to water damage or rust or carbon. so if you are facing no keypad light and key pad led problem then look at the diagram given bellow it will help you to solve these problems.
Nokia 111 Ringer Problem Jumpers Ways Solution

Check the light track which Is identified in diagram with different colors and each link shows flow of circuit in nokia x201 from parts up to the led lights. Check all these tracks with meter and if any of them is braking apply jumpers as given in nokia x201 light repairing diagram above.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams. some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cell phone.

Nokia X2-01 LCD light Problem Jumpers Solution

nokia x201 lcd light problem display led light problem, display light not working can be solve in a few easy steps that are posted in this post. So read it carefully and see diagram bellow to solve light problem in nokia x201 lcd display
Nokia 111 Network Problem Solution Jumper Ways

Check lcd jack and lcd jack on board clean them with electronics cleaner and leave it to dry under electrical bulb or apply some hot air so that it can be dry. Check these two links shown in diagram with different colors and if any of them is broken then please make jumpers to solve light problem in nokia x201.
For more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams. Some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cell phone.

Nokia X2-01 Mic Problem Jumpers Solution Microphone

If you have mic problem in nokia x201, low voice outgoing, no voice is going to next destination mobile, in all these cases this diagram is useful and help full for you to solve mic problem in nokia x201.
Nokia 111 Not Charging Problem Solution Jumper Ways

Once you have read this post and look the diagram you will be able to solve nokia x201 mic problem easily. in first step remove mic and check its point on board if there is a good value then attaché new mic and if value is missing then you can check all track which is shown in diagram above. If any link of them is missing you can apply jumper as defined in diagram above.
You can apply jumper where small circles shown in diagram. These circles describe where you can apply jumpers on the board to solve mic problem in nokia x201.
For more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams. Some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cell phone.

Nokia 1203 Light without Ic Display Keypad Led jumper tested

Nokia 1203 Light without Ic Display Keypad Led jumper tested.if you are facing light problem in nokia 1203 then here is a simple diagram that i am going to post past i have posted some light solutions but it is a new one and can solve led keypad and lcd lights without light ic.
Nokia 110 Local Test Mode Problem Solution Jumper Solution

in above diagram you can see red and pink points so remove light ic coil and three leg resistance and make these jumpers as you can see in diagram.this will help you to solve lcd keypad display light problem in nokia 1203 without light ic.these jumpers will help for solving light problem in nokia 1202 also.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 1662 Light without Ic Display Keypad Led jumper tested

Nokia 1662 Light without Ic Display Keypad Led jumper tested.if you are facing light problem in nokia 1662 then here is a simple diagram that i am going to post past i have posted some light solutions but it is a new one and can solve led keypad and lcd lights without light ic.
nokia C2-03 Ringer Problem Solution Jumper Ways

in above diagram you can see red and pink points so remove light ic coil and three leg resistance and make these jumpers as you can see in diagram.this will help you to solve lcd keypad display light problem in nokia 1662 without light ic.these jumpers will help for solving light problem in nokia 1661 also.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5030 Light without Ic Display Keypad Led jumper tested

Nokia 5030 Light without Ic Display Keypad Led jumper tested.if you are facing light problem in nokia 5030 then here is a simple diagram that i am going to post past i have posted some light solutions but it is a new one and can solve led keypad and lcd lights without light ic.
Nokia C2-03 Camera Standby Notworkin Problem Solution Jumper Ways

in above diagram you can see red and pink points so remove light ic coil and three leg resistance and make these jumpers as you can see in diagram.this will help you to solve lcd keypad display light problem in nokia 1662 without light ic.these jumpers will help for solving light problem in nokia 5030 also.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 1616 Lcd Display Scratch Jumpers

Nokia 1616 Lcd Display Scratch Jumpers are given in bellow diagram.some time due to water damage and rust lcd points got damage and we can not sold lcd on it.or may we have lost some points of display lcd.
Nokia C2-03 Not Charging Problem jumpers Ways Solutions

in above case we can scratch points that are shown in diagram with different colors and can apply jumpers on these points.right side diagram shows full board while on the left side diagram is about zoom of the original board.
so keep in mind if lcd display of nokia 1616 is not working proper and blank display white display and no display problem can be solved with this diagram easily you just should be a good mechanic and should be able to make small jumpers.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia X2-01 Keypad Not Working Problem Solution

nokia x2-01 keypad problem can be due to rust carbon or water damage in this case keypad ic can be damage or keypad track can be missed from any point. for solving keypad problem in nokia x2-01 you can see diagram bellow.
Nokia C2-03 Voluem Up Down Keys Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers

In above diagram there are two main dial ic these are used for keypad functions and these are controlling keypad upcoming days I will add a post about keypad track of nokia x201 that will also help you to see that which keys are linked with each other.
For this post you only can clean the board ic and keypad if there is some rust or carbon. you can resold these two parts and can replace these two ic for keypad problem in nokia x201.
For more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams. Some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cell phone.

Nokia 1280 Light without Ic Display Keypad Led 100% tested.

Nokia 1280 Display Keypad Led Light without Ic 100% tested.some times due to water damage or rust we may lost parts in nokia 1280 about light function. so in this case we were not able to solve nokia 1280 light problem display and keypad led light could not be ok and solve.
Nokia C2-03 MMC Memory Card Problem Solution Ways

but now with upper diagram we can easily solve led light problem in nokia 1280.look at diagram and you can see how much it is easy to solve light problem with this diagram solution.
you have to remove only coil light ic and three leg transistor so when you have removed these parts you can make jumpers as shown in diagram and 100% light solution tested be happy and do not forget to like us.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 1616 Light without Ic Display Keypad Led 100% tested.

Nokia 1616 Display Keypad Led Light without Ic 100% tested.some times due to water damage or rust we may lost parts in nokia 1616 about light function. so in this case we were not able to solve nokia 1616 light problem display and keypad led light could not be ok and solve.
Nokia C2-03 Lcd Display Problem Solution Ways Jumpers

but now with upper diagram we can easily solve led light problem in nokia 1616.look at diagram and you can see how much it is easy to solve light problem with this diagram solution.
you have to remove only coil light ic and three leg transistor so when you have removed these parts you can make jumpers as shown in diagram and 100% light solution tested be happy and do not forget to like us.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia Asha 300 hand free open problem jumpers solution

Nokia Asha 300 handfree problem, hand free singe, hand free open, can be solve with this diagram that I am going to post in this post bellow. look at the diagram and these two ic and there near about area if you find some rust water damage or carbon here you can clean the board and dry it.
Nokia C2-03 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways Microphone
Nokia Asha 303 hand free open problem jumpers solution

Once it is cleaned resold these parts and if problem is not solve remove first ic and make jumpers as defined in diagram and replace 2nd part to solve hand free problem in nokia Asha 300.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams. some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cell phone.

Nokia 1202 Not Charging Problem Solution 100% Tested

if you are facing not charging problem in Nokia 1202 then this diagram will help you to solve this issue in a few simple steps. First of all look at mother board carefully if there is some carbon rust or water damages. then do fowling steps as shown in diagram.
nokia asha 200 charger not supported solution

In First step remove charging ic near the charging base and then remove double resistance and at last replace all these steps do a single step and then plug in charger and check in these steps it should be ok it is tested 100ds of times and solve problem more then 90% of sets and if it can not solve it can be fault of uem.
If it do not shows any this when you plug in charger then it can be fault of some missing parts or discontinuity in circuit for this problem you can read my other post about Nokia 1202 Charging problem solution with jumpers.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams. some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cell phone.

Nokia Asha 300 hand free open problem jumpers solution

Nokia Asha 300 handfree problem, hand free singe, hand free open, can be solve with this diagram that I am going to post in this post bellow. look at the diagram and these two ic and there near about area if you find some rust water damage or carbon here you can clean the board and dry it.
Nokia C2-03 Insert sim ways problem solution jumpers
Nokia Asha 303 hand free open problem jumpers solution

Once it is cleaned resold these parts and if problem is not solve remove first ic and make jumpers as defined in diagram and replace 2nd part to solve hand free problem in nokia Asha 300.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams. some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cell phone.

Nokia Asha 300 hand free open problem jumpers solution

Nokia Asha 300 handfree problem, hand free singe, hand free open, can be solve with this diagram that I am going to post in this post bellow. look at the diagram and these two ic and there near about area if you find some rust water damage or carbon here you can clean the board and dry it.
Nokia C2-03 Insert sim ways problem solution jumpers
Nokia Asha 303 hand free open problem jumpers solution

Once it is cleaned resold these parts and if problem is not solve remove first ic and make jumpers as defined in diagram and replace 2nd part to solve hand free problem in nokia Asha 300.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams. some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cell phone.

Nokia Asha 300 hand free open problem jumpers solution

Nokia Asha 300 handfree problem, hand free singe, hand free open, can be solve with this diagram that I am going to post in this post bellow. look at the diagram and these two ic and there near about area if you find some rust water damage or carbon here you can clean the board and dry it.
Nokia C2-03 Insert sim ways problem solution jumpers
Nokia Asha 303 hand free open problem jumpers solution

Once it is cleaned resold these parts and if problem is not solve remove first ic and make jumpers as defined in diagram and replace 2nd part to solve hand free problem in nokia Asha 300.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams. some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cell phone.

Nokia Asha 300 MMC Memory Card Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.

If you are facing mmc problem in nokia asha 300 then here is a helpful and useful diagram for you to solve these problems.loock at diagram bellow and in it you can see an ic is identified with red box. This part is used for memory card functions in nokia asha 300.
Nokia C2-03 Not Charging Problem jumpers Ways Solutions
Nokia Asha 300 MMC Memory Card Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.
Check all the board carefully and if there is some rust carbon or water damage then clean it with electronics cleaner and dry it with hot air or put it under electrical bulb for a few mint so that can be dry. not apply to much heat because and can be harm for your mobile circuit.
Then resold this ic with hot air and if not solve the problem then change this.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C1-01 keypad light ok Lcd light not working Problem Solution Tested

Nokia C1-01 keypad light is working but lcd light is not working this problem can be solved with a few jumpers that you can find in bellow diagram.So in first step check lcd jack and lcd.
Nokia 5250 Bluetooth Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.
Nokia C1-01 keypad light ok Lcd light not working Problem Solution Tested
if lcd jack is fine and there is no damages or rust on it you can check with new lcd. If new lcd shows same result apply jumpers as given above diagram it will help you to solve Nokia C1-01 lcd light problem while keypad light already lighting.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.
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