Nokia 5800 earpiece speaker problem solution tested

earpiece speaker in Nokia 5800 can be solve with a few steps that are given in this post this problem we will not be able to hear incommingin voice from speaker.we can use loud speaker as temporary solve it permanantly use bellow diagram.
all cellular mobile repairing solution here nokia 5130 lcd light problem solution ways jumper solution
as you can see in diagram above there are a few color lines that are defining tracks and parts that are used in speaker function in Nokia 5800.Change speaker and check speaker points on mother board if they have a good value.
if meter do not show any value then there can be broken path or parts so apply jumpers for path and replace components if any of them is missing or broken as shown in above diagram to solve Nokia 5800 earpiece speaker problem solution tested.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5230 mic not working problem solution jumper ways

if mic is not working in Nokia 5230 our voice can not be reached to destination mobile during voice call and we can not record audio recording in solve this mic problem in Nokia 5230 you can follow a few steps as given in post bellow.all cellular mobile repairing solution here Nokia 5130 show not charging Problem Solution Ways

in above diagram there are some different color lines which are to define tracks of mic and parts that are used in it.check these path with meter and if any of them is missing then apply jumpers as shown in above diagram.
if any part is missing or damage replace those parts with new that you can get from other mobile boards.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5233 memory card corrupted MMC problem solution

Memory Card Problem in Nokia 5233 can be solve with a few steps that are given in this can see diagram bellow and do same steps as case of MMC Nokia 5233 will not be able to show Memory Card and will not be able play data in memory card  all cellular mobile repairing solution here nokia 2690 Mic Problem solution Ways Jumper
to solve memory card problem view all parts and tracks as given in diagram above.memory card tracks shown in different colors and you can see path easily.resold mmc ic and if not work replace it with new one.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.


Nokia 5233 keypad is not working problem can be due to a few basic can be due to Keypad if you do not want to change keypad ic then you can apply these jumpers as given in diagram bellow.
Nokia 2690 MMC problem solution jumpers ways see all cellular mobile repairing solution

in diagram above you can see different color lines so apply same jumpers to short keypad in NOKIA 5233 KEYPAD IC JUMPER,KEYPAD SOLUTION.if you have keypad ic then in you first preority change it.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5233 insert sim problem solution tested

if you have insert sim problem in Nokia 5233 then it can be solve with a few steps that are written in this post.look at the diagram bellow and follow few steps that are givenin case of insert sim problem, no sim, invalid sim.

in first step check sim pints in mobile may be they are damage or corbon on it.then rub it and check.if problem can not be solved then after dis assambly of Nokia 5233 check all parts that are shown in above diagram and also check all tracks.all cellular mobile repairing solution here
all path are defined with different colors so that you can easily find out them.and replace them or apply jumpers to solve Nokia 5233 insert sim problem 2690 Power Button On Off Problem Ways Jumper Solution
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 2690 Charger Not Supported Problem Repair Solution

Here is the solution for Nokis 2690 charger not supported problem. This problem shows when the unit is plug-in charger and it shows “charger not supported” on the display all cellular mobile repairing solution here
nokia 2690 Ringer Problem Solution Jumpers Ways
if we plug in charger in nokia 2690 and it shows error charger not supported in this case mostly charging pin is working fine it can be fault of two main things on is you charger in first step change charger if your charger is not working ok.some time non original charger can be the reason for charger not supported problem.if charger is original the you may have to change this 47k resistance that is defined in diagram attached with this please remove this resistance and replace it with new one from any nokia board.all mobile tested solution many many nokia solution here .

Nokia 2690 Speaker Earepace No Voice Sound jumper ways problem solution

if you have some of these problemes
No eare peace voice speaker is not working or low speaker volume this diagram you can see there is two main colors blue and red both are showing two main links of speaker that are used in speaker functioning so check these prints if the shows links and continuity in electronics meter then it means prints are working ok and you have to change speaker check speaker with meter or replace it with new one all cellular mobile repairing solution here this all mobile repair solution tested and many phone 5130 auto on off or restart problem solution parts and ways testes this
at last step check these resistances that are shown in diagram given with this hot and resold these resistance or replace them so that ear peace speaker problem can be solved in nokia 2690 easily.

Nokia 2690 Speaker Earepace No Voice Sound jumper ways problem solution

if you have some of these problemes
No eare peace voice speaker is not working or low speaker volume this diagram you can see there is two main colors blue and red both are showing two main links of speaker that are used in speaker functioning so check these prints if the shows links and continuity in electronics meter then it means prints are working ok and you have to change speaker check speaker with meter or replace it with new one all cellular mobile repairing solution here this all mobile repair solution tested and many phone 5130 auto on off or restart problem solution parts and ways testes this
at last step check these resistances that are shown in diagram given with this hot and resold these resistance or replace them so that ear peace speaker problem can be solved in nokia 2690 easily.

Nokia 2690 ON-OFF Power Key button Track, Jumper Ways Solution

This solution provides the connection line paths of the Nokia 2690 ON-OFF/END switch button Power button. This can help determine whether the phone is on, but it tuns battery indicator shows when the battery charger plug-in  .
all cellular mobile repairing solution here and nokia 5130 Ringer Problem Solution Ways Jumper
Only refer to the solution below and find the marked points where the button is connected.
Nokia 2690 ON-OFF Power Key button Track, Jumper Ways Solution
You can power clean keyboard matrix including the membrane keyboard protection. You can then connect to 100 Ohm resistor and a diode. Also check the resistance and the diode for any damage, replace if necessary. Hope this can help in your Nokia 2690 Power Off key problem repairs.

nokia 5800 battry connector way if prints damage jumpers

55800 battry connector way if prints damage jumpers.if battery connector is damage in nokia 5800 then you can change it with new one some times prints are also damage then in that case this diagram will help you to solve this issue see all mobile tested solution all cellular mobile repairing solution here.
 nokia 1800 Speaker Ere Peace Not Working Problem Solution Jumper Ways
 three battery connector pins are shown with different colors so that can be found easly so make these jumpers as shown in diagram and power problem will be solve in nokia 5800 and many phone hardware tested solution here see and enjoy it.

nokia 1200 blank display white problem solution single jumpers

nokia 1200 blank display white display problem solution with a single jumpers without changing lcd display jack or strip.if you are facing display problem in nokia 1200 blank then here is problem of pin number 2 from right side of lcd connector.
all cellular mobile repairing solution here 100% tested solution and nokia 2690 Charger Not Supported Problem Solution Ways Jumper 
print goes to capestor near by it and if it also broken then make this jumper as shown in diagram above it will help you much better.

nokia 1200 blank display white problem solution single jumpers

nokia 1200 blank display white display problem solution with a single jumpers without changing lcd display jack or strip.if you are facing display problem in nokia 1200 blank then here is problem of pin number 2 from right side of lcd connector.
all cellular mobile repairing solution here 100% tested solution and nokia 2690 Charger Not Supported Problem Solution Ways Jumper 
print goes to capestor near by it and if it also broken then make this jumper as shown in diagram above it will help you much better.

nokia 1208 blank display white display problem solution with jumper

nokia 1208 blank display white display problem solution with a single jumpers without changing lcd display jack or strip.if you are facing display problem in nokia 1208 blank then here is problem of pin number 2 from right side of lcd connector see this blogger post all post tested and all cellular mobile repairing solution here
nokia c1-01 led light ways tested working problem is solved.

print goes to capestor near by it and if it also broken then make this jumper as shown in diagram above it will help you much better.

nokia 5030 white display lcd problem solve with jumpers only

to solve white display lcd problem in nokia 5030 you do not need to change lcd in first step remove these two resistance and make jumpers as shown in diagram with red line.if resistance prints are see all cellular mobile repairing solution here nokia 6303 Ear pace Speaker Problem Solution Jumper Ways Tips and Tricks 100% tested solution here this blogger .

damage due to water rust or any other reason do not worry and carefully scratch this area as shown in diagram when you scratch these test points and make jumper it is 100% tested that white display problem wil be solve.

nokia 5030 white display lcd problem solve with jumpers only

to solve white display lcd problem in nokia 5030 you do not need to change lcd in first step remove these two resistance and make jumpers as shown in diagram with red line.if resistance prints are see all cellular mobile repairing solution here nokia 6303 Ear pace Speaker Problem Solution Jumper Ways Tips and Tricks 100% tested solution here this blogger .

damage due to water rust or any other reason do not worry and carefully scratch this area as shown in diagram when you scratch these test points and make jumper it is 100% tested that white display problem wil be solve.

Nokia C1-01 Lcd Light Problem Solution Ways Jumper

problem is not lcd display light and keypad light also not getting on is common fault of lcd pin 2 and diagram given bellow you can find these two lines with color so make jumper as shown in diagram Nokia 1800 LCD LED Keypad Lights Solution Jumper see this all cellular mobile repairing solution 100% tested solution here see this blogger.

on lcd prints strip can be scratched vary carefully and slightly so that it can be sold easily and then you can make jumper as i told above.

Nokia C1-01 LCD display ways jumpers problem solution tested

if you have lcd display problem in nokia c1-01 it can be mostly due to water damage or broken links so just see the diagram given bellow that is sent to us by one of our contributor in this diagram all lcd jumpers are shown with different colors so that can be found easily by you nokia 1616 Speaker Ear Peace Not Working Problem Solution Jumper .
all cellular mobile repairing solution here 100% tested post this blogger.
you can check these path with electronics meter and if any of them is broken make jumper that like in diagram.if lcd is not broken must check these links some time only one or two links are broken but we change whole the lcd that is loss of money.

nokia 1280 mic problem solution ways jumpers microphone tips and tricks

nokia 1280 mic problem solution ways jumpers microphone tips and tricks are posted in this post.if you are facing mic not working problem or low voice mic problem in nokia 1280 then see this diagram posted bellow and check these links that are shown with red and blue color lines all cellular mobile repairing solution .
nokia 5600 not charging ways problem solution
make these jumpers if any of them is broken and also check mic volt some time all links are ok but mic volt are not same as the should be in that case change nokia 1280 mic.

Nokia 6303c Buzzer, Ringer solution

This is the Nokia 6303 Classic solution to the problem of the International Helsinki Federation bell does not work or language. Solution paths below the line of the speaker on the circuit board 6303c see all cellular mobile repairing solution .
nokia C1-00 Ringer Speaker Problem Ways Solution Jumpers .
This solution can help you after confirming that the language seems to work and / or tried to replace it, but still can not hear the tone or tones on the device.
If the Action Language International Helsinki Federation, you can check visually the first spring clip connectors speakers, and ensure that it remains well-aligned and good soldier, and clean as an accumulation of oxidation, if any.
Verification of one candidate, if found replace damaged. Then keep track of all of the station the positive and negative language. C. audio feeds power management, there is a potential cause in the absence of the audio signal from the speaker of the slide the wrong … Re-heat or re-group and perhaps the only problem.

Nokia 6303c not charging solution jumpers ways

This is the solution to the problem of Nokia 6303 Classic which does not charge any indication when the battery icon does not answer whether all the charger plug all cellular mobile repairing solution and nokia C1-00 Hand free Open Car Problem Solution Ways Jumpers 100% tested all cellular mobile repairing solution

The solution below will work if you have already tried another battery charger work, but still shows no sign of the battery. This solution shows the Nokia 6303 and the official called on transit routes. Just refer to the following solution and the search for the points marked on the PCB Nokia 6303.
Here is how to solve the problem of shipping:
1. First, try using the battery charger works on the use of cell phone battery.
2. Visual inspection of the capital-pin connector socket for possible damage, clean or replace if necessary.
3. Cleaning pin jack socket communications capital PCB and battery connector.
4. Check valves, diode, capacitors and files of the Department of possible short and open.
5. Tracking shipping lines and routes of positive ground connection.
6. Shipping is controlled from my home C, there intances may need to reformat or replace Jim Beattie just the problem of Nokia 6303 Classic Fixed shipping.

Nokia 6303 Classic Charger Not Supported problem solution

By storm charger Charger Nokia 6303 Classic and the error shows “charger not supported”, and the solution can help on how cell phone fixed nokia C1-00 test mode local mode problem solution found see all cellular mobile repairing solution.

To resolve this problem, you can first try using the battery charger are working with a mobile phone battery and clean the battery connector. Check the following to solve the problem if it does not still exist.
The solution above shows the selected item, which applies to the temperature of the battery if said defective component, as a result of the problem is very dependent on the device, to replace and perhaps the only problem.

Nokia 6303 solve the problem of mic jumper ways track

The following is a solution to the Nokia 6303 does not work the problem of the microphone. Solution paths below the line and the components of the circuit the microphone on the Nokia 6303 Classic all cellular mobile repairing solution .
see this tested solution nokia C1-00 torch light problem solution ways .
The Nokia 6303 Classic uses a 5 – pin digital DIGIMIC microphne or, simply refer to the following solution quickly to determine the chlorine.
The solution above shows the tracks line voltage conenction mic, MICdata hour mic, sound and ground pins for easy identification and conduct the necessary tests. You can start tracing all the paths of communication, and verification of all the resistors 100 ohms, replace the digital microphone

Nokia 1280 Battery Terminal Points Damage Ways Problem Solution

Nokia 1280 Battery Terminal Points Damage Ways Problem Solution if in nokia 1280 during changing battery terminal points you have loss battery points then you can solve this problem with this diagram bellow posted in this post nokia 101 Ringer Speaker Problem Ways Solution Jumpers see all cellular mobile repairing solution

there are three different color lines in this post shows that how you can make jumpers so check these links with meter and if any of them is broken make these jumpers with insulation wire.this diagram can help you in case nokia 1280 is dead you can check these links so that battery crunt can pass through right ways and can be set on off.

Nokia 1280 Lcd Ways Display Problem Solution

this is a cellphone diagram to solve display problem in nokia 1280.if you are facing white display no display or blank display problem in nokia 1280 cellphone then you can solve this problem easily with this diagram that is attached with this post.all cellular mobile repairing solution see this post tested this many time nokia C1-00 LCD Blank Display Ways Jumpers Problem Solution.

all links are defined with different colors so that can be identified easily by you.check all these links with electronics meter and if any of them is not working make these jumpers as shon in diagram given with the post.

nokia 1280 mic ways jumpers problem solution

if mic microphone is not workin in nokia 1280 you can solve this problem with these cellphone jumpers that are defined in this diagram attached with this post.just look at the diagram and check these links that are defined in it. all cellular mobile repairing solution see this solution Nokia C1-00 Mic Problem Jumpers Ways Solution .

check mic in cellphone and if mic is ok then check these links if any link or print is broken or damage then make jumper with insulation and sky blue lines are two different points of mic as +v and -v so keep in mind these two different colors are used as two jumpers for mic solution in nokia 1280.

nokia 1280 insert sim problem solution ways

insert sim problem no sim or sim not valid problem in nokia 1280 cellphone here is a diagram that is attached with this post look at the cellphone diagram and see there are different colors lines that define ways of sim in nokia 1280. nokia C1-00 not charging problem solution ways see all cellular mobile repairing solution have this blogger

check all these links with electronics meter and if any of them is broken or damage then make these jumpers as following the diagram given with following these tips and trick that are shown in diagram you can solve nokia 1280 mic problem solution.

Nokia 5130 display light problem solution ways jumpers are here

if you have display light led problem in nokia 5130 cellphone that may can be solve with this solution.look at the cellphone diagram given below in this post and check these links with electronics meter and also clean these parts with electronics cleaner and leave it to dry for a few mint so that can be wet and dry. all cellular mobile repairing solution see this solution nokia C1-00 Insert Sim Problem Solution Jumpers Ways .

if any link is broken make these two jumpers as shown +v print is defined with red color line while black color id defining -v keep in mind these two different colors and make these two jumpers to solve light problem in nokia 5130.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C3 Power button Key ON-OFF Track, Jumper Ways Problem Solution

if nokia c3 can not be on this may can be a problem of on off button check this just plug in charger and check if set is charging and shows charging indication but do not get power on it means 100% on off button is not working.
nokia 101 Dead and Not switch On with Battery see this all cellular mobile repairing solution here all tetsde solution need any phone hardware solution have this blog.

then you can open mobile and at the board you can check this link as shown in diagram attached with this post.out key is a ground that can be jumper with any ground place.and inner is going to these resistances that are defined with red have to make this jumper to solve on off problem in nokia c3-00.

Nokia C2-01 Keypad Not Working IC Jumper Ways Filter Problem Solution

This is Nokia C2-01-solution for not working keypads problem. This solution gives the paths connecting the C2-01 keyboard matrix including the EMI filter IC jumper ways. This may help to solve problems not simply a keyboard on the phone.
nokia 101 Insert Sim Problem Solution Jumpers Ways see all cellular mobile repairing solition

if keypad is not working in nokia c2-01 or a few keys is not working then you can resolve this problem in a few steps that are define in this diagram that is given below in this post.check all these tracks that are define with different colors in diagram so that you can find inner and outer keys all inner and outer that have same color are used for same key that have same means if any key is not working you can make its outer and inner jumper with any other point that have same right side of diagram you can find which key link goes to which resistance or capacitor as same color is used to link them.the word j+ is used for pin point at board so these links goes to small points that you can find on board.

Nokia C2-01 MIC Jumper Ways Problem Solution

This is the Nokia solution for C2-01 Mic, mouthpiece microphone is not a problem. The solution repair guide below simply shows the paths connecting the microphone to solve problems.
nokia 101 LCD Blank Display Ways Jumpers Problem Solution all cellular mobile repairing solition
Just follow a few simple tips on how we the microphone problem on Nokia phones C2-01 to solve.
nokia c2-01 mic microphone problem can be solve with a few steps that i am going to write here if you are facing no mic voice is going forward or low voice goes to destination then you can check mic replace mic with new one.
there are two main colors in this diagram red and blue as you can see easily so these two lines are defining main path of links check these links and if any of them is broken then make these jumpers as define in diagram attached with this post.if any component is damage you can replace it also with same value parts.

Nokia C2-01 Nokia Not Charging Problem Solution Charge Jumper Ways

This solution includes Nokia C2-01 for not charging problem, or no battery indicator shows whether the response when the battery charger plug-in. This simple solution shows and tells us the basic steps on how to fix the phone if such problem happens.
nokia 101 Mic Problem Jumpers Ways Solution here see all cellular mobile repairing solition

if nokia c2-01 is not charging or showing charging error when charger pin is plug in then you can check these few steps to solve this problem.if your charger is non januin then chek it with some other step two must chaek charging jack and in step three check all these two links that are defined in diagram with red and blue lines.there may can be any link broken or some parts are damage so make these jumpers or replace these parts that are defined in diagram attached with this post.

Nokia C2-01 No Ringtones Sound Problem Solution ways jumpers.

if you have ringer problem in nokia c2-01 sond quality is to low or bad voice quality in ringer of nokia c2-01 then you can solve this issue simply with this diagram that is posted with this post.
nokia 101 MMC Memory Card Problem Solution here see all cellular mobile repairing solition

in first step you have to check ringer so if it is showing continuity but low or bad voice then change this ringer if it is not showing continuity it means ringer is not working and is damage.after changing ringer if voice not get ok you may can check these two main points where ringer is attached with board in diagram you can find these two prints in red and blue lines.both lines shown two different have to check these links also with meter and if any of them is broken or damaged then you may can jumper them easily as defined in diagram

Nokia C2-01 Ear speaker not working Problem Solution jumper ways

if you have some of these problems
No ear peace voice speaker is not working or low speaker volume this diagram you can see there is two main colors blue and red both are showing two main links of speaker
nokia 101 Network problem single solution ways see all cellular mobile repairing solition

that are used in speaker functioning so check these prints if the shows links and continuity in electronics meter then it means prints are working ok and you have to change speaker check speaker with meter or replace it with new last step check these resistances that are shown in diagram given with this hot and these resistance or replace them so that eare peace speaker problem can be solved in nokia c2-01 easily resold .

Nokia E5 Not Charging Problem Solution – Charge Ways

This is a solution for Nokia E5 “Not charging problem ‘or the phone shows no indication when charging the battery charger plug-in. The solution below shows the major components necessary to make sure the charging problem occurred.
all cellular mobile repairing solution here see nokia 101 not charging problem solution ways.

In Nokia we e5 two pin charger as commonly used in old sets also.and 2 USB charger that is used in combination with data cable port chart are red and pink colors that are used to determine which parts are used in loading feature in Nokia parts are used for pin charger and pink are used for data cable is a ground print sweater with any ground can clean these items sold and replaced to solve the battery problem in Nokia E5.

nokia c2-01 on off jumper solution

Nokia C2-01 is not getting power on but charging when you plug in charging pin in it. This can be cause of power switch. Because power key is not working and we can not get it power on.
Nokia X1-01 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways solution see all cellular mobile repairing solition

nokia c2-01 on off jumper
To solve power button problem in Nokia C2-01 you can see tracks in above diagram check them with meter and if missing path apply jumpers as shown in above diagram.
Outer print of the key is a ground while the inner is going to the 10 k resistance as given in repairing diagram above,
Once you apply jumper this track will be ok and it will work fine and Nokia C2-01 start working and get power on easily.

Nokia E5 LCD Display Problem Solution with filter IC Jumper ways

if lcd is blank or blake and no display in lcd of nokia may can be problem due to lcd display ic’s on board.replace lcd and check if working lcd can not display in board it means this can be fault due to charging jack or display ic solution here and all cellular mobile phone repair solution tested this solution see nokia 5530 Auto Off During Call Problem solution

.clean lcd jack with electronics cleaner and dry it with hot air or an electrical bulb for a few mints.check these two ic and also prints that are shown with different colors so that can be found easily and separately.check these links with meter and if any of them is broken make these short jumper lcd display ic you can see blue and light green round circles shows in two box with red you can replace these two ic or can jumper them as shown in is recommended to replace ic but you can also jumper them.

Nokia E5 LCD Display Problem Solution with filter IC Jumper ways

if lcd is blank or blake and no display in lcd of nokia may can be problem due to lcd display ic’s on board.replace lcd and check if working lcd can not display in board it means this can be fault due to charging jack or display ic
nokia C3-00 ringer Problem Solution Jumper Ways and all cellular mobile phone repair solution

.clean lcd jack with electronics cleaner and dry it with hot air or an electrical bulb for a few mints.check these two ic and also prints that are shown with different colors so that can be found easily and separately.check these links with meter and if any of them is broken make these short jumper lcd display ic you can see blue and light green round circles shows in two box with red you can replace these two ic or can jumper them as shown in is recommended to replace ic but you can also jumper them.

Nokia E5 Camera LED Flashlight / Torch Problem Solution

Nokia E5 Camera LED Flashlight Torch or failure. The repair solution given below shows the main elements that should be first checked for a broken camera flash light on the Nokia E5 solve your phone see nokia 103 White Lcd Display Ways Solution Jumpers and have all cellular mobile phone repair solution

If the camera LED is not working, make sure the camera settings on the phone first, which is activated to ensure. Check the following solution for further repair of hardware troubleshooting.
Repair tips for non-working camera flash on the Nokia E5:
1. Check / camera phone settings reset on the menu.
2. Check / clean the camera flash light connector terminals and contact areas.
3. Check VBAT (battery voltage) over the two coils coils.
4. Check / replace the two bobbin coils.
5. Try the camera flash LED lamp.
6. Replace the LED camera flash / flashlight driver IC.

Nokia E5 earphone speaker problem Jumper Ways Solution

if some of these TROUBLESHOOTING
No peace eare speaker voice does not work or a low volume of the speaker this diagram you can see that there are two primary colors red and blue both show two important links of the speaker used in speaker function solution see this blogger all cellular mobile phone repair solution and see this solution nokia 103 Not charging problem ways jumper solution track

so that it prints to verify shows the links in the electronic meter and continuity it means printing works ok and you have to check the speaker speaker change with one meter or replace the last step of this new resistors shown Chart Data in this post.rehot Anthes resistance check or replace them so that peace ear speaker problem can be solved in the Nokia E5 easily resold.
Nokia E5 Camera LED Flashlight / Torch Problem Solution for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia E5 LCD Backlight problem, dark screen problem Solution ways

This solution could possibly help to fix the light problem Nokia Display E5. Problems of this kind shows a dark screen on the LCD screen because a lack of light-emitting LED back light on the back of the LCD screen. nokia X2 MMC problem solution jumpers ways see all cellular mobile phone repair solution

if lcd light led is not lighting and not getting on in nokia e5 this diagram will help you to solve this problem much more first step check led is they working good.check them with meter or use with power supply to check light.if with power supply when we apply power to both led points -v and +v and become lighting led are ok.check these two links that are shown in diagram with green purple and sky blue lines.if any of them is broken or any part is damage then make jumper or replace any part that is will solve nokia e5 led lcd display light.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia E5 MIC Problem Solution ways jumpers repair solution

nokia e5 mic microphone problem can be solve with a few steps that i am going to write here if you are facing no mic voice is going forward or low voice goes to destination then you can check mic replace mic with new one see all cellular mobile phone repair solution and nokia 103 not charging problem solution ways track jumpers

.there are two main colors in this diagram red and blue as you can see easily so these two lines are defining main path of links check these links and if any of them is broken then make these jumpers as define in diagram attached with this post.if any component is damage you can replace it also with same value parts.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia C3-00 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways repair solution

mic problem in cellphone nokia c3-00 then this cellphone diagram will help you to solve this problem in a few first step check board vary carefully if there is any water damage or rust on board then clean it with any electronics cleaner and leave it to dry for a few mint under electrical bulb so that it can be dry the cellphone board see all cellular mobile phone repair solution and see this solution of nokia Asha 300 LCD Light Problem ways Led Jumper Solution

Nokia C3-00 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways
Nokia C3-00 Mic Problem Solution Jumper Ways
in step two check mic and remove it from board and check continuity with meter on board if mic points on board shows that value is correct.then here can be problem in cellphone mic so check mic also and replace the mic for cellphone service.
if mic is ok and value is no good on board then check this link as shown in diagram in red and blue lines.all mic ways are shown with two different colors and on each component a small circle shows where you have to make jumper on that component.
if on a resistance on both side here is circles then we can make jumper at any side of it but if a component have a single circle on one side of component then we have to make jumper on that side only. for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C3-00 Charging Problem Solution Ways Jumpers Not Charging repair solution

Charging problem in cellphone nokia c3-00 then here is this post that will help you to solve this charging problem in nokia c3-00 cellphone .once you read this post and follow the given steps you will be able to solve 100% charging problem in cellphone and see all cellular mobile phone repair solution many phone hardware solution nokia Asha 300 Bluetooth and FM Not working Problem Solution 

Nokia C3-00 Charging Problem Solution Ways Jumpers Not Charging.Nokia C3-00 Charging Problem Solution Ways Jumpers Not in first step check charger and use a new charger for testing chagrin problem in cellphone nokia c3-00.if it can not charge then check charging base in inner casing and replace it for testing propose.
if after this process it can not start charging process then check points on the board as shown in cellphone diagram and check is there a fine value if one point is ground and other show some correct value then here can be fault in upper described parts and if here is not any value then check these parts of cellphone that are shown in cellphone diagram and all components are shown with red and blue lines.these lines shows track of charging and small circular on parts describe that at which point you can make jumpers.
so if any part is damage or missing you can make jumper instead of that in the board for solving not charging problem in nokia c3-00. for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone .

Nokia C3-00 Power Button Not Working Problem Solution Jumper Repair solution

cellphone nokia c3-00 and cell phone is not getting power on but charging well and good it means it can be the problem of power button in cellphone.if when we plug in charger and it start charging it means cellphone is working but not getting power on so we have to search its on off switch button track ways and see all cellular mobile phone repair solution here nokia Asha 300 Charger Not Responding or Not Supported
Nokia C3-00 Power Button Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers.
Nokia C3-00 Power Button Not Working Problem Solution can also check power button in cellphone with electronics meter outer button should be ground and inner button should show some value in cellphone.if value is not here then make this jumper as shown in diagram whit red and blue lines.and small circles on parts shows that here we can make jumper to solve cellphone problems.
you can also see if there is some water damage or rust then clean the board and parts with electronic cleaner of cellphone and also apply some heat with hot air or putt it under electrical bulb for a few mints so that it can be dry.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia C3-00 Insert Sim Problem Solution Ways repair Jumper solution

i am going to post a diagram that will help you to solve insert sim problem in cellphone nokia c3-00 first of all you should check some different sim in it and if no one is working with nokia c3-00 cellphone and on each sim you find “insert sim” then you can solve this insert sim problem in cellphone with this diagram that is given with this post this blogger all post tested here see all cellular mobile phone repair solution nokia Asha 300 Camera Problem Solution Jumpers Ways

Nokia C3-00 Insert Sim Problem Solution Ways Jumpers.
Nokia C3-00 Insert Sim Problem Solution Ways diagram here are some different pins with different line shows power links of sim jack and other three shows some other criteria in can remove sim ic and make jumper as shown in small box in white if only jumper of ic not work then you can make jumpers up to sim jack as shown in cellphone diagram.
mostly only sim ic short can solve insert sim problem and if not then you can check all pins with meter for value.if any pin of them have not a continuity or value then make jumper as given in cellphone will help you to solve insert sim problem in nokia c3-00.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.

Nokia C3-00 Speaker Earpiece Not Working Problem Solution Jumper

nokia c3-00 is not working and you having any problem about speaker in nokia c3-00 cellphone this post will help you to solve this problem about first step check volume of your mobile phone see this web post all cellular mobile phone repair solution.

Nokia C3-00 Speaker Earpiece Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers.
Nokia C3-00 Speaker Earpiece Not Working Problem Solution Jumpers and nokia 100 insert sim solution.
and if it is up but still you can not hear the voice or low voice problem then change speaker in cellphone nokia c3-00.once you change speaker and if it have same problem then check value of two points as shown in diagram with meter.
if there is not any value in these points then make sure all parts are well and good as shown in diagram and if there is some rust or water damage in cellphone then clean the area with electronics cleaner and leave it to dry for a few mint under electrical bulb so that it can be may can also apply little heat with hot air for this propose so that cell phone can be fine.
you can make jumpers if there is not a value or some parts are missing then check all ways that are shown with red and blue lines in diagram and small circle on parts shows that where we can make jumper on them.
for more detail and new tips and tricks cellphone problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5130 On-Off switch Power Button problem ways and dead solution

Nokia 5130 classic power button does not work.If power button does not work in Nokia 5130 cellphone This picture is much useful for you to make jumpers, as shown in the cellphone diagram and all cellular mobile phone repair solution see this solution nokia 1800 Lcd Display Scratch Jumpers ,

First check continuity and if not, make jumper.
nokia 5130 kill switch does not work out problem was eventually resolved with this see the links of the power button goes to resistance shown in cellphone diagram with red line.if the link is broken, you can make jumpers and solving the to switch problem in the Nokia 5130.
Nokia 5130 On-Off switch Power Button problem ways solution Dead
Step 1: Nokia 5130, if it shows charging but I am not can make jumpers to switch the resistance as shown in the pictures above.
This image also shows the ring points are shown in red line.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5130 Ear peace Speaker Problem Ways jumpers

Check the speaker points on board that they show that the continuity not in is too simple just two points before the shows with meter.if continuity the average change of the speaker of cellphone all cellular mobile phone repair solution see this solution nokia 1280 Lcd Display Scratch Jumpers .
if the meter shows continuity over ways to check the track, as shown in the diagram and make jumpers, as shown in it.when make jumper from the speaker to indicate resistance on the board will be fine and ok.
This chart is useful when the Nokia 5130 have speaker problem can be solved with the help.clean these items indicated in this cellphone diagram and let set to dry for a few mints and make sure the problem is not resolved solved.if with only the resold
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

Nokia 5130 Mic Problem solution Ways Jumper solution

microphone problem nokia 2690.not volte goes to the destination mobile or low voice goes to the destination mobile phone you can solve this problem by using these few steps and with this first step cellphone mic contact with multi meters all cellular mobile phone repair solution and see this solution nokia X2-01 Camera Not Ready Problem Jumpers Solution .
and then in the second step Mic check points on the board and at board level you can see the connectivity and good value here may be attachment problems between mic and cardboard.
mic is not visible as the value then change mic.and and on board you can not see good value that you can see these items in line with red color, so that continuity can be ok and the microphone broken links can be re-built.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about cellphone service problem keep visiting this page we will update cellphone service diagrams timely with new cellphone diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information about cellphone.

nokia 5130 keypad not working problem solution jumpers ways

nokia 5130 all keys or a few keys are not working you can solve this problem after following these few steps that are given in this post and also in this diagram that is given bellow nokia X2-01 not Charging Problem Solution Jumpers all cellular mobile phone repair solution.
you can see in diagram there are outer and inner keypad are define with different colors so that you can understand easily which keys of set are in the same track.
1,4,7,* is in same line
2,5,8,0 is in same line
3,6,9,# is in same line
up,down,menus,and dial key is same line
in the same ways all colors for outer and inner keys are showing keys track if any of them is missing we can make outer with outer and inner with inner jumper to all these which is missing to that button which is working good.
for more detail and new tips and tricks about this problem keep visiting this page we will update it timely with new diagrams.some related post are also given bellow you can read them also for more information.
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